Outlane Golf

Club Ltd


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Hole 8
"Petty Royd"

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(A 1906 club member - FREE golf at 40 golf clubs)

Hole 8 - "Petty Royd" - 248 yds - Par 3 - SI 1

The best remembered hole and the longest par 3 in Yorkshire. Nowt for right or long, danger to the left. If your opponent offers you a half in four, take it! Lovely views across Huddersfield to Emley Mast and Castle Hill.


The reconstructed green came into play for the April 2010 medal.


<< Hole 7



8th Hole Sponsors - Darren & Julie Kinder

Hole 9 >>

Slack Lane, off New Hey Road, Outlane, Huddersfield, HD3 3FQ

Telephone: 01422 374762, E-Mail: secretary@outlanegolfclub.ltd.uk